Join us

Why join Us?
If you are interested in conserving or creating wildflower-rich grasslands, then join our community of meadow-makers. Every patch, whether it’s many acres in the landscape, or a wild area in your garden, all makes the difference. Anyone, from anywhere, who loves meadows is welcome.
Moor Meadows is run by a voluntary group of meadow makers. We are not-for-profit – we just do what we do for the love of wildflower meadows.
Joining options – it’s free to join!
The Forum:
In January 2021 we launched a new online Devon-wide meadows network, the Meadow Makers’ Forum. This was made possible by a grant from the Devon Environment Foundation. The Forum is the place for meadow-makers from across Devon and beyond to communicate with each other, learn about meadows and share knowledge and information. It’s an interactive site and anyone can post a question on the Forum and receive an answer – benefitting from the combined expertise of all the other meadow makers. Topics include everything from meadow management to where to find wildflower seed. Members can post useful links, inspiring videos, favourite book recommendations, handy apps and a whole lot more. Notifications of all our events, including inspiring talks with expert speakers, are posted here. Joining is free and simply means registering on the Forum here. Members receive a weekly digest of topics, so you can dive into whatever you find of interest. You can alter the notification settings once joined.
The Moor Meadows email exchange:
This was established in 2015 for meadow-makers across Dartmoor to communicate with each other. This now has over 450 active members. Members receive emails as and when they are posted. Notifications of all events are posted here too.
Events List:
If you would simply like to receive news of any talks, open days, workshops etc, then join the Events list. You do not need to join this if you sign up to either of the above options, as all events are announced on the Forum and email exchange.
Join now
Join the Meadow Makers’ Forum here.
To join the Moor Meadows email exchange tick the box below and the moderator of the exchange, meadow-maker David Crook, will send you the link.
To join the Events List only (to hear news of talks, open days, workshops etc), tick the box below.
Know a friend who might be interested in joining the group? Send them our website link: