Meadow Creation and Management

Whether you want to know how to restore a grassy field to make it more flower rich, or if you are planning on making your garden lawn into a flowering meadow, find some inspiration here.
Items in this section

Beginners’ Guide
Answers to frequently asked questions from people starting out

How to Create a New Meadow
You’ve a rye grass pasture and you’d like more wildflowers? Or you’re interested in creating species rich grassland on ex arable land?

How to Restore a Meadow
Meadow expert Sue Everett tells you how to restore a pasture back to a species-rich meadow

How to Create a Meadow in Your Garden
A simple guide to turning your lawn into a wildlife-friendly garden meadow

Types of Meadow
A guide to some of the different kinds of meadow you can find on Dartmoor

Have a Question?
What’s that plant in my meadow? When should I cut if I want to help butterflies? How can I manage my bracken problem? Has anyone got any yellow rattle seed?