Recommended Books
A New Flora of Devon
by Roger Smith, Bob Hodgson & Jeremy Ison (2016)
Published by The Devonshire Association.
This Flora is an impressive account of all vascular plants found growing wild in Devon from the earliest record, to the present day.
It provides a valuable resource to all those with an interest in our native and introduced flora.
Chapters include:
The history of plant recording in Devon
The Devon landscape: climate, geology and soils
Agriculture in Devon – the history and impact
Areas of outstanding botanical interest – find out places to visit
An account of the distribution of species – with colour coded maps
Devon Hedges
by The Devon Hedge Group and Devon CC (2014). A colour guide provides information on hedges in Devon and practical advice on their management.
Field Studies Council fold-out ID charts
on everything from flowering plants to butterfly caterpillars. Suitable for beginners.
Grassland Restoration & Management
by D. Blakesley & P. Buckley (2016)
Hay Time: the natural, cultural & land management history of hay meadows in the Yorkshire Dales
by D. Gamble & T. St. Pierre (2010)
by George Peterken, British Wildlife Publishing (2013)
Plants and Habitats – An introduction to common plants and their habitats in Britain and Ireland
by B. Averis (2013)
The biology of soil, a community and ecosystem approach
by Richard Bardgett (2016)
The Wild Flower Key – How to identify wild plants, trees and shrubs in Britain and Ireland
by F. Rose & C. O’Reilly (2006)
The Wildlife of Dartmoor
Written by Norman Baldock, with beautiful illustrations and photographs by John Walters. This natural history of Dartmoor is very usefully organised by habitat type and there’s information on sites to visit to see Dartmoor’s hidden gems.
Where Have all the Flowers Gone?: Restoring Wildflowers to the Countryside
by Charles Flower (2008)
Wild Flowers – A field guide to the wild flowers of Britain & Ireland
by S. Harrap (2013). A useful guide with photos for beginners.
Wild Flowers of Britain & Ireland
by M. Blamey, R. Fitter & A. Fitter (2013)
More Resources help and information

A local network of organisations and individuals with skills and services to help those members who would like help managing their grasslands and boundaries

Courses and Workshops
Links to organisations providing useful courses and workshops

Videos: Talks and Workshops
Online videos of some of our talks and workshops

Links to a wide range of interesting, useful and informative websites and online resources

Seed Suppliers
Organisations and companies supplying seeds for meadow creation

Suppliers of useful tools and equipment

PDFs and Other Downloads
Links to online PDF files for download

Other Meadows Groups
Links to other meadows groups around the country

Online audio podcasts related to meadows