How to create a meadow – a beginner’s workshop – SOLD OUT
- Date: 18 August 2023
- Address: Goren Farm, Stockland, Millhayes, Honiton EX14 9EN
Wildflower meadows are among the most important wildlife habitats in the UK, as they support significantly high numbers of plant and animal species. Yet only fragments of them remain nationally. With the loss of diverse flowering plants came an associated decline in bees, butterflies and other insects as well as many birds, bats and small mammals. The good news is that this important habitat can be restored or created on farmland, gardens, churchyards and roadside verges. The techniques are the same.
This is a half day workshop taking place outside (choice of morning or afternoon). Each session is designed so that you will spend an equal amount of time with both Julian Pady and John Walters.
£12, including afternoon tea. Funds raised are in support of Moor Meadows.
Booking essential as places are limited.
This is a joint event between Moor Meadows and the Lower Axe Habitats Hub.
Lower Axe Habitats Hub (email):
Goren Farm:
John Walters:
Other events
Masons, Miners and Scissors – Wild Bees of the Meadows
4 October 2024
Join us for an evening of two inspiring talks by renowned ecologist John Walters and Maisie Brett from Bristol University