How to Create a Meadow, an online talk with meadows specialist Matt Pitts
- Date: 25 March 2021
- Time: 7.30pm
- Address: Online Event
Matt is Plantlife’s very experienced meadows specialist who advises landowners and farmers on the best ways to create and manage meadows. He will guide us through the steps of meadow creation, restoration and management.
The talk is primarily for those who have a field or paddock and would like a wildflower meadow plus those who already have one and would like to know a lot more – everything from finding out about key soil requirements for successful meadow restoration to learning about positive indicator plants. This talk will also appeal to anyone wanting to know how to turn their lawn into a flowering meadow as the methods are similar. Retired farmer Philip Hamley of Lethytep will be joining the talk to discuss how he successfully restored several fields to stunning wildflower meadows using green hay. Matt will also outline how wildflower meadows could fit into the new Environmental Land Management Scheme, which will be of interest to landowners and farmers.
Wildflower meadows are among the most important wildlife habitats in the UK as they support very high numbers of plant and animal species. Yet only fragments of them remain, largely due to changes in agriculture during the 20th century. The good news is they can be restored or created on farmland, in gardens and churchyards and on roadside verges.
A Question & Answer session will follow so attendees can quiz Matt and Philip.
The talk is free but if you can afford a donation, between £2.50 and £10, this will go towards supporting the work of Moor Meadows. Any funds go entirely towards providing events with top speakers, helping with the running costs of our website and supporting the newly established Devon wide meadows network, the Meadow-Makers’ Forum.
Register for How to Create a Meadow here.