
Donate to Moor Meadows to support our work

Moor Meadows is a community initiative whose members are interested in conserving, restoring and creating wildflower meadows, on any scale, from a meadow in a garden to many acres in the landscape. Our mission is to celebrate the wonderful diversity of native plants and wildlife to be found in meadows and to help reverse the trend of wildlife declines.

As a not-for-profit organisation, run by volunteers, our income is from running informative and inspirational events aimed at increasing wildlife knowledge and habitat management skills. Our expenditure is on running more of these events, from conferences with expert speakers, to a wide range of practical talks, webinars, videos and workshops. Our series of Open Meadows days are a celebration of meadows and wildlife gardens and spaces, and anyone from anywhere has an opportunity of visiting one of these gems.

You can use the form below to pay via PayPal or if you would like to donate via a BACs payment please send an email with your telephone number to and he will contact you to provide you with the Group’s bank details.

You can also donate by cheque. Please make cheques payable to Moor Meadows Group and send to David Crook, Kingswood House, Oaklands Road, Buckfastleigh, TQ11 0BL.

Whatever your gift, your support is greatly appreciated and will help spread the message of the importance of this vitally important habitat to an even greater audience and allow us to continue to encourage and inspire others to create these wonderful havens for wildlife.

Thank you!