The Big Devon Meadows Count

We’re excited to share the news that The Devon Environment Foundation has awarded a grant of £10,800 to Moor Meadows and our partner, The Devon Biodiversity Records Centre, for a new project – The Big Devon Meadows Count.

Meadows are some of our best sites for biodiversity and Devon is fortunate to have some wonderful species-rich grasslands, many owned and managed by Moor Meadows members. But there is currently a lack of up to date information about the extent and quality of meadows in Devon. This makes it difficult to protect and connect all these nature-rich sites across the county. The Big Devon Meadows Count will address this by encouraging meadow owners to survey and evaluate their flower-rich grasslands.

All Moor Meadows members will be invited to take part next year!

The Big Devon Meadow Count is a two year project in 2024-2025 with a pilot in the first year. The big roll out will commence in 2025 when we’ll be asking meadow makers to survey their meadow, whatever its size or species-richness, whether it is newly created or is well established. We will provide them with all the resources they need, including survey tools and techniques, species lists and any help they need to hone their plant ID skills.

10 May 2024