Conservation Grazing Part One – find out about the ways livestock can support the making of an ecologically rich meadow

  • Date: 2 December 2021
  • Time: 7.30pm
  • Address: Online

Livestock can support the making of an ecologically rich meadow – more flowers, more wildlife, more carbon.

Join us for the first of two evening talks introducing the fascinating subject of conservation grazing. If you graze grasslands and want to enhance their biodiversity these talks are for you. Or, if you just want to find out more about the fascinating subject of conservation grazing, please join us, all are welcome.

Part One – 2nd December, 7.30-8.30pm
Register here

Jerry Tallowin, grassland ecologist and emeritus research scientist at Rothamsted Research North Wyke discusses the objectives of conservation grazing, the need to have a grazing management plan, the use of the right herbivores at the right density at the right time. Feeding preferences, physiology and livestock behaviour

Desley White from Cows in Clover, a Dartmoor grazing enterprise using native cattle to graze grasslands for the benefit of wildlife

Anna David, animal medicines expert, discussing the impacts of Avermectin wormers on dung fauna and the alternative options

Part Two: 9th December, 7.30pm-9pm
Register here 

Phil Wilson, ecologist and grazier, talks about how your dinner can help mitigate climate change

Dr Pen Rashbass outlines the essential guide to animal health & welfare when grazing for nature and discusses how a species-rich diet benefits animal health. Pen will also highlight the medicinal properties of many plants

Simon Berry, senior farm advisor with the Devon Wildlife Trust discusses best practice for grazing wetter meadows

The evening will include a half hour question and answer session following the talks 

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